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Allow me to introduce myself

Howdy folks.

This serves as my first blog post. A personally momentous event in which I begin the slow and hopefully painless journey of overcoming personal inhibitions regarding 'putting myself out there'. And although the website itself is largely unfinished, after today's class I thought why not jump into the deep end and get my feet wet?

So, this is me, a self-professed visionary dreaming and hoping for a different future. One in which the full scope of human potential is set free with the limits of possibility arising only from the limits of our imaginations. A vision which I suppose shares much in common with the focus embedded within ALC708, namely the encouragement of creativity within the confines of the digital frontier. I suppose that makes us all a bunch of cowboys riding the open plains of discovery where each new moment of thought could be the first step in an ever-growing cascade which leads to truly gargantuan idea which changes society.

After all, and I will loosely paraphrase a certain German bearded philosopher with a particular interest in economics in stating this, the goal isn’t to only interpret the world around us, but instead to change it.

And that wraps up my first blog post.

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